📄️ Configuration
The first step into getting anywhere with Baileys is configuring the socket.
📄️ Connecting
After configuring the socket, comes connecting to WhatsApp servers.
📄️ History Sync
After connecting successfully, the socket will try to download and process old chats, contacts and messages.
📄️ Receiving Updates
After getting the initial "history" messages, let's get real-time messages and updates.
📄️ Handling Messages
Messages, from a history sync or from a messages.upsert event, come in the form of proto.IWebMessageInfo. This is the protobuf that WhatsApp Web stores its messages in.
📄️ Sending Messages
Forwarding Messages
📄️ Group Management
WhatsApp group support is pivotal for many users of this library. To this end, Baileys has very extensive group support.
📄️ Presence and Receipts
Marking as offlne using sock.sendPresenceUpdate('unavailable')
📄️ App State Updates
WA uses an encrypted form of communication to send chat/app updates. This has been implemented mostly and you can send the following updates:
📄️ Handling Broadcast Lists/Status
📄️ Privacy
Baileys has some missing privacy settings as of the writing of this page. The currently exposed methods are:
📄️ Products and Orders
Business only featueres