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Baileys has some missing privacy settings as of the writing of this page. The currently exposed methods are:



You can fetch the list of people you are currently blocking:

const response = await sock.fetchBlocklist()


This function can be used to block or unblock a WhatsApp user. It takes these two options: 'block' and 'unblock'

await sock.updateBlockStatus(jid, 'block') // Block user

Privacy Settings


This method can be used to get all the privacy settings of the user.

// boolean option represents a force get (without hitting the cache)
const privacySettings = await sock.fetchPrivacySettings(true);

The return type isn't currently exposed, but that's a work in progress.

Updating Privacy Settings

Instead of one method to also update the privacy settings, Baileys exposes the following flurry of functions. Since they are mostly self-explanatory, I'll group them together instead.

Here's a usage example:

// sock.update<insert here>Privacy(<insert option here>)
await sock.updateOnlinePrivacy('match_last_seen')





These kinds all absorb the following set of options:

  • 'all' which exposes the setting to everyone
  • 'contacts' which exposes the setting to only your contacts
  • 'contacts_blacklist' which exposes the setting to your contacts except those you specify. People list support isn't there yet in Baileys.
  • 'none' which exposes the setting to nobody (only you)


This function has two options, 'all' and 'match_last_seen'. The latter option follows the setting set in updateLastSeenPrivacy.


This function has two options, 'all' or 'none'.